Why TGC?
If your pond has a weed or algae problem, it can be a terrible nuisance. Many pond owners are reluctant to pour chemicals into their ponds, and for good reason. Fortunately, there are biological, environmentally responsible ways to control aquatic vegetation, including proper aeration systems and the introduction of triploid grass carp into the lake or pond.
Grass Carp in combination with aeration is the best “multi-parameter” biological / mechanical approach to managing the weed and algae population in a pond. Rowledge Pond Aquaculture can help you with many aspects of aquatic plant management, including supplying grass carp, meeting DEEP requirements, and suggesting aeration systems. Read on to learn more about Grass Carp and the DEEP permitting process, or contact us to begin the journey toward a healthier pond or lake.
How do I stock Grass Carp in my pond?
Rowledge Pond is a certified supplier of Triploid Grass Carp for the states of Connecticut and New York. All fish are delivered–the hatchery does not allow the pick-up of fish by the public. The delivery charges are based on the distance of the targeted pond from the hatchery. Each stocking of grass carp is quoted on an individual basis, but the cost per fish is $26. All fish are certified by US Fish & Wildlife Service. Every stocking requires a state permit. Please obtain a permit first, then contact us to get a quote and set up delivery.
How effective are Grass Carp?
Grass Carp can be extremely effective at controlling excess weed and algae growth. Their effectiveness is somewhat dependent on both the type of aquatic weeds as well as the density. In general Grass Carp are effective at controlling most submerged or floating vegetation. Grass Carp will neither control planktonic algae (microscopic) nor will they control emergent vegetation like cattails. The CT DEEP Inland Fisheries Division can assist you in determining the type and density of weeds in your pond or lake.
How cost-effective are Grass Carp compared with other vegetation control methods?
Grass Carp are perhaps the most cost-effective approach, depending on weed type. In general there are four methods for removing and/or controlling aquatic vegetation. They include; biological control with Grass Carp, the application of chemical herbicides, mechanical harvesting, and depth management through bottom dredging. Mechanical harvesting and dredging can be extremely costly (tens of thousands of dollars each time). Chemical herbicides are costly and most often need to be reapplied every year, if not a couple of times a year. Grass Carp have a relatively low initial cost and typically are only restocked every 5-6 years.
do Grass Carp eat other fish?
No, Grass Carp do not eat other types of fish, they only eat vegetation. However, there can be an indirect effect on the resident fish population, as a result of the consumption of vegetation by the grass carp. Aquatic vegetation provides cover for juvenile fish and forage fish, as well as a spawning substrate for some fish species. Therefore, the objective for the grass carp stocking should not be to eradicate the aquatic vegetation in the pond or lake, but rather to control the growth and extent of aquatic vegetation.
DEEP Permit Process
A liberation permit is required to stock Grass Carp. There is no cost for the permit, and the permit process is relatively easy, especially if your pond is smaller than 20 acres. (Larger lakes may require more extensive analysis.) Connecticut residents can contact the CT DEEP Inland Fisheries Division for more information and download the permit application. Be advised that Triploid Grass Carp can only be liberated after the DEEP Fisheries Division has inspected your pond or lake and has determined that a permit can be issued. New York residents, please visit the New York Department of Environmental Conservation website for more information on New York’s grass carp policies.
Emigration Control Screens Frequently, the DEEP Fisheries Division inspection will determine that a pond or lake requires a Grass Carp Emigration Control Screen before grass carp can be liberated.
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